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01/ My $40k-in-a-day landing page cheat sheet
02/ My 10-day copywriting principles email course

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Become a clear, compelling, engaging writer.

I've taken 650+ hours to condense 6 years of real world copywriting experience into clear, actionable guides so you can control words and dictate your future.

Join 180+ people becoming clear, concise, and convincing: logo
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Courtney Symons

"John has a rare ability to distil complex techniques into simple principles anyone can learn."

Courtney Symons
Editor in Chief | shopify

shopify logo

Ray Rafiq Omar

Tim Hanson
SEO Content Strategist |

Can you persuade?

Do you know how to compel people to act, avoid corporate speak, and leave a powerful impression?

Do you know the secrets of clear writing and how to be concise?

Do you know how to shake off academic complexity, turn prospects into customers, or convert words into cash?

Or is copywriting a bit of a mystery still?

Struggling with low conversions?
Nervous about publishing that post?
Hesitant about sending that email?
Tired of bad copy costing you money?
Failing to captivate your customers?
There's a very good reason for it all.And it's not your fault.

Jasmin Alić

"John inspires me. Daily.
(Read: I get jealous of his mind)."

Jasmin Alić
Copywriter | Hey Jay

Melissa Malec
Ray Rafiq Omar

"John’s copywriting guide is a godsend to writers, wannabe writers, and those who think they aren’t cut out for writing. I can’t wait to see what gets added over time and to keep growing as a writer. It’s giving me the confidence to raise my copywriting rates. Phenomenal resource. 10/10."

Melissa Malec
Content Writer | Melissa Malec Marketing

School taught you terribly

Actually, it's worse than that.They taught you the exact opposite of what you should do.Here are the 11 ways school inadvertently screwed you:

01/ No practical application

You weren't taught how to be clear, engaging, persuasive, or convincing.Instead, English class focused on writing essays about books.

02/ Misunderstanding of purpose

You weren't taught to consider the purpose of your writing.You weren't taught to understand the needs and expectations of an audience.

03/ Writing was "creative"

You were taught to see writing as a creative pursuit instead of a skill that needed to be developed and improved.

Ryan Musselman

"No doubt, John's guides, advice, and professional execution will be of benefit to any potential client"

Ryan Musselman
Content Strategist | Parade Studio

Kate Sotsenko
Ray Rafiq Omar

“I've been following and learning from John on LinkedIn since February 2023. So purchasing his guide was an easy decision. John consistently delivers a remarkable level of quality, and the guide is no exception. In fact, I've immediately made several adjustments on my website.”

Kate Sotsenko
Founder |

04/ Rewarded for bad writing

Your teachers had misconceptions about what good writing is.They rewarded you for long, complex, flowery language.And so, that became your dangerous habit.

05/ Little emphasis on editing

You weren't taught to understand what could be edited or deleted.Instead, you were incentivised to hit an arbitrary word count.

06/ Lack of coaching

Without feedback and coaching, you didn't know how to improve your writing.Instead, feedback was vague like "be more descriptive" or "be more analytical".

Tim Hanson

"John is first to mind when any of my clients ask for a copywriter, for a damn good reason."

Tim Hanson
Content Strategist | FiveThreeOh

John Leonard
Ray Rafiq Omar

"With 30 years of bid writing under my belt, I thought I was a professional. I was wrong. John's guide has already improved my writing in leaps and bounds, and I find myself going back it every time I compose and then edit. One of the best investments you can make in yourself, and strongly recommended to anyone who writes anything for a living."

John Leonard
Bid Writer | Fixatex Ltd

07/ Writing was undervalued

The ability to persuade with words wasn't given any attention. Maths and science took precedence.Algebra and the periodic table were prioritised over a skill with the tools of communication.

08/ Writing was made complicated

You were taught to obsess over grammar.Or you weren't taught about it at all.

09/ Writing was solitary

You were taught that writing is solitary activity, discouraging you from seeking feedback.So, when it got hard you felt alone and had nobody to turn to for help.

Lara Acosta

"John is one of the best copywriters I know. The amount of dedication he puts into his craft is extraordinary."

Lara Acosta
Social Media Marketer | LA Digital

Sayanta Goswami
Ray Rafiq Omar

“The information inside John's guide blew my mind! It wasn't a guide that only said "Write short sentences." It showed which factors to keep in mind. What makes people read (or skip). What tactics to use. With examples!”

Sayanta Goswami
LinkedIn Ghostwriter

10/ Gifted not skilled

Nobody told you writing well is a skill anyone can learn.It felt like there were a fortunate few bestowed with mastery, and you're either born a good writer or not.

11/ No preparation for business

Nobody taught you how to use words to sell and persuade.And so, you've had zero preparation for writing at work or in business.

Hey, maybe you enjoyed English at school. But did it teach you the writing skills you need today?Or did it just teach you to pass exams?

Dina Calakovic

"If good writing was illegal, John would be serving a life sentence."

Dina Calakovic
Content Marketer | Authority Marketing

Katrina Romain
Ray Rafiq Omar

“Finding John, and learning from his experience, has made all the difference in my ability to write persuasive copy. His guide covers EVERYTHING. I owe a lot of my business success to the copy his knowledge has helped me write.”

Katrina Romain
Founder | Beyond Body Weight Loss

And that bad training still affects you today

No wonder good writing is elusive.You've never had it broken down or explained.You've just been doing your best, making best guesses, knowing that you need to be clear and concise but not knowing how.

Everything's at risk

Here's the impact:

01/ Ineffective communication

You know what you want to say but you can't put it into words. You struggle to express your thoughts clearly and effectively, which likely impacts your business or career growth.

02/ No audience engagement

Devoid of purpose or audience understanding, your writing fails to resonate or engage. Quite isolating.

03/ Feeling lost

In situations where communication is valued you probably feel completely inadequate.

04/ Fear of mistakes

School's grading system, which favoured an adherence to rules has instilled a fear of making mistakes.

05/ Lost opportunity

Poor writing has probably cost you opportunities in your professional life.

06/ Communication skill gap

You still write like an academic but you're not sure how to fix it.Or worse, you're blind to the bad writing school instilled in you.

Matt Barker

"The level of obsession, skill, passion, and attention to detail for his craft is incredible."

Matt Barker
Ghostwriter | Matt Barker Copywriting

Wendy (Bower) Gertridge
Ray Rafiq Omar

“Verified purchaser right here! So much value and I’ve barely nicked the surface. Incredible resource and worth every penny!”

Wendy (Bower) Gertridge
Founder | Editorial Strategists

And so...

You can’t effectively make your point, your writing is unfocused, and your message is unnecessarily cluttered.It rarely achieves what you hope for.Worse, you don't know how to use words to convince people to act. To give you their hard earned money.Your opportunity, hindered.
Your reputation, damaged.
Your business, at risk.
Your ideas, muted.

And if you don’t change, two things are true:

01/ You rely on luck

You rely on how well you can guess what a good writer would have written.

02/ People will out-write you

+ They get your client
+ They make your money
+ They have your freedom
+ They land your dream job
+ They enjoy your pay rise
+ They launch your business
+ They become the authority
+ They secure your investment
+ They convince your customers
+ They persuade your prospects

They dictate your future by better controlling the tools of communication.Words.

Srinivas Vakati
Ray Rafiq Omar

"I’ve already gone through it twice since purchasing! It's been a game changer for me. I bought John's course to improve my writing. I didn't expect the section on editing to have such a profound impact on me. The mindset shift I experienced as a result is beyond words. My perspective on writing has changed since investing in John's course."

Srinivas Vakati
Founder | Scalable Systems

But what if you did control words...

and use them to dictate your future?Imagine having that superpower.You would persuade customers and captivate clients.You would clearly and concisely explain your view of the world.You would feel confident to press publish. Imagine being proud of your writing.Even better, you could spark action with words alone.You could make a difference.

Imagine taking that skill anywhere...

To any company. To any country. In any economy.Writing well is a meta skill and it's portable.A good writer will always find work.Even better, imagine applying that skill to your own venture.These millionaires and billionaires think writing well is pretty important...

"If you're a VC, a lawyer, a painter, a podcaster, an accountant, a write. Learn to write!"

Sahil Lavingia
Founder, Gumroad

"Been a rule at 37 Signals/Basecamp since 1999. Hire the best writer."

Jason Fried
Founder, Basecamp

"Communication is important. How you say things, what you say, style is really important. So, take the time and get it right!"

Chamath Palihapitiya
Founder, Social Captial

"People who write thoughtful email intros make two recipients feel great with a single note. Easy way to stand out. Great writing is a superpower."

Jeff Morris Jr.
VC, Chapter One

How will you direct this new power?

Will you use it to secure your next sale? Your next 1,000 sales?Or to convince the client currently weighing you up?Will you write your way into a new job? With a higher salary?Will you use it to bag the promotion you deserve?Will you join me and write for a living?Will you overhaul your emails and get people actually listening to you?Will you use it to define precisely what you want your colleagues to do?Will you rewrite your website to make it absolutely clear what your user gets for giving you money?Will you change a single word on a button and spike sales? (This really happens)Will you do all these things?You'll definitely do more than one.What's that worth over your entire life? £1,000? £10,000? £100,000?I can unlock it all for you.

John Harrison Copywriter

John Harrison
Copywriter [6+ years]

LinkedIn followers

Hi! I'm John :)

I'm the human behind the words at and the Atomic Copywriting Guides.I've been a copywriter for over 6 years now.I've tested lots of copywriting techniques in websites, apps, emails, and ads. I've worked in startups and huge corporations. I've seen it all.I live in the copywriting trenches, so my advice is battle tested.I've used my skill with words to launch my own company, Penfriend ($41,674 on launch day) and build a personal brand on LinkedIn (48,000+ followers)I know what works.

Some of the companies I've copywritten for

Client logos
Cal Graham, Head of Marketing, Wayhome

"John’s email campaign was one of the best performing Zoopla have ever seen. Benchmark open rates are around 40%. His emails achieved around 68%. They wanted to know who designed these emails to offer them a job!"

Cal Graham
VP Customer Acquisition | Wayhome

I've spent 12,000+ hours as a copywriter

I've sent armies of words to battle for attention and ultimately, action.And I've spent over 650+ hours condensing everything I know about writing well into guides for you to follow.I preach that good writing should be atomic.Atoms are both the building blocks of all life, and the smallest, irreducible unit of matter.That’s how I think of good copy.It should say everything you need to say, in a single irreducible unit.All the meaning.
All the soul.
In the fewest words.
And I'll show you how to do it all in...

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Copywriting Guides

Here's what's within your grasp:

Ludo Lacay, Co Founder Napo

"John's principles are a playbook on how to write, and therefore, how to think."

Ludo Lacay
Co Founder | Napo

Ray Rafiq Omar

Adam Judeh
Founder | Opsfx

Guide 01

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Editing Guide

How to be concise without losing your soul

Great writing is only possible with great editing

School rewarded you for hitting a word count.But in real life you get rewarded for removing as much as you can, without affecting the meaning or stifling your personality.In my Atomic Editing Guide, I show you exactly what to cut from your writing to leave it lean, without stripping your voice.

Price: $99

30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
what to edit

You'll learn my 14 proven editing techniques:


What never to include in your writing if you want to sound confident and decisive.


The simple "substitution technique". Learn how changing just one word can dramatically power up your prose.


When you cut these common phrases from your writing, you'll notice a surge in engagement and readability.


What if you could slash your word count while boosting clarity and conversion? Learn the secret to leaner, more effective communication.


What three common verbs are you using that might be sabotaging your copy’s effectiveness?


You think your copy is tight? Uncover hidden redundancies that are holding back its potential. Transform every line into a powerful tool for engagement and conversion.


What's the secret to making your writing crisp and attention-grabbing?Learn the simple swaps that transform fluff into powerful statements.


Discover the linguistic mechanism that streamlines your writing and boosts the impact of your words.


Why do some writers captivate while others bore?Uncover the counterintuitive secret to powerful descriptions that leave readers wanting more.


The quickest way to lose a reader's interest? Overexplain.Learn the easiest hack to keeping your writing tight and your readers engaged.


Why do some words win in the battle for attention?The answer could redefine how you write.


Do you know how changing one small writing habit can significantly improve your content's readability?


The quickest way to improve your writing?Use this little-known tactic for maximum clarity and engagement.


The 4 stages in the editing hierarchy most writers ignore.Discover them and watch your writing elevate.

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Editing Guide

Price: $99

30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
David Perell

"These are wonderful! Love that second one about the writer and the editor."

David Perell

Ray Rafiq Omar

Gustavo dos Reis
Marketing Expert | Toptal

Guide 02

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Writing Guide

How to be engaging, interesting, and memorable

Boring writing is just as bad as complex writing

You can't afford to be boring today.You must get attention, keep it, sell with emotion, and drive people to act.You won't convert most people without knowing how to do these things.In my Atomic Writing Guide, I show you exactly how to get attention, write with emotion, and leave an impression. You'll become fresh, interesting, and memorable.

Price: $99

30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
what to edit

You'll learn my 12 writing rules:


Discover the under-the-radar technique that transforms mundane text into memorable messaging.Experience the unseen power of phonetic stylistics.


You think your writing is clear? Think again.Master these subtle cues to steer your reader smoothly through any story or argument and watch their engagement soar.


Everyone thinks clarity is key, but do you know the secret behind achieving it? Learn the method that not only enhances your communication but also captivates your audience, leading to better engagement and results.


Most copy is instantly forgettable. But there's a way to make sure yours sticks.Learn how to make your message resonate and remain in the reader’s mind.


Why do some sentence structures win more influence than others?Discover the secret hidden in the most compelling speeches.


What could possibly turn your good writing into great writing?It’s not just talent, it’s knowing something most overlook.


What small change can dramatically enhance the impact of your words?


Why do professional writers often ignore one of the most common grammar rules?


What you might be missing in your everyday writing could be the key to perfect clarity.


Discover the simple mechanism that transforms dull sentences into vibrant narratives that readers can’t resist.


Learn the simple linguistic twist that brings your true self to the forefront of your communications.It’s the only way to write authenticity for business.


What if you could captivate your audience while staying true to your unique voice?

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Writing Guide

Price: $99

30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

Ray Rafiq Omar

Matt Thomas
Owner | Perfect Prose Writing & Editing

Guide 03

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Landing Page Course

How to convert visitors into readers, then customers

[A framework that made $41,674 in 24 hours]

Every second and cent is wasted if your landing page copy sucks

It doesn't matter how many people you send to your site if your landing page copy isn't optimised to convert.You either leave money on the table, or worse, risk killing your business.In my Atomic Landing Page Course, I show you exactly what to write, in what order, and how to use psychology to convince people their money should be in your bank account.I used my framework for my own company, Penfriend.My results:01/ A 77% conversion rate [visitor to free trial]
02/ $41,674 on launch day


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
what to edit

Ray Rafiq Omar

Jamie Lake
Director | Lakenson Solutions Ltd

Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Editing Guide

Price: $99

30 day guarantee

Courtney Symons
Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Writing Guide

Price: $99

30 day guarantee

Courtney Symons
Ray Rafiq Omar

My Atomic Landing Page Guide

Price: $799

30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

40% discount secured!

payment complete

Next steps:

Keep your eye out for emails from me ( as I build and release the course!

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
Courtney Symons

"John has a rare ability to distil complex techniques into simple principles anyone can learn."

Courtney Symons
Editor in Chief | shopify

shopify logo

How the hell do you make people hand over cash?

Of course, there are table stakes things like:01/ Getting attention
02/ Driving the right traffic
03/ Having a great product

But unsurprisingly, that’s not enough.

Sure, you’ll convert the small percentage that were already ready to buy. But the majority will need convincing. Not because they don’t need your product. You know they do.It’s because people don’t hand over cash easily, they’re naturally risk averse, and they don’t decide to buy based on logic.

So, to maximise sales, you need to understand and write for the oddities, complexities, and paradoxes that define us as human.

Before my time in the copywriting trenches, it all seemed so esoteric to me.Behavioural science
Psychological triggers
Persuasion techniques
Conversion optimisation
Those magical triggers and influences to seemingly hack the human mind and make it hand over cash...It’s a skill few master.Yes, we all went to school and studied English, but if you’re schooling was like mine, you learned to write essays about books you didn’t care about.Nobody taught us the useful side of writing. Nobody taught us how to persuade, convince, or sell.So, what do you do?01/ Hire a full time copywriter?
02/ Contract a freelance copywriter?
03/ Write it yourself?
The first two can be prohibitively expensive and so the landing page copy is often the work of the founder, or someone in marketing with 1,000s of other jobs.

A landing page expert rarely works on the copy

The job may have fallen to you.The problem is you barely have time to write the landing page, let alone find the time to understand the behavioural science of writing, the psychology of writing, or how to persuade, convince, and sell.You may have made a valiant attempt by using what the free internet provides:01/ Using generic, unproven templates
02/ Using templates not backed by data
03/ Copying your competitors
04/ Following theoretical advice from a blog

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons
John Leonard
Ray Rafiq Omar

"With 30 years of bid writing under my belt, I thought I was a professional. I was wrong. John's guide has already improved my writing in leaps and bounds, and I find myself going back it every time I compose and then edit. One of the best investments you can make in yourself, and strongly recommended to anyone who writes anything for a living."

John Leonard
Bid Writer | Fixatex Ltd

None of that stuff works though

Because it’s not structured, or backed by data, or proven, or laid out section by section, or in depth, or demonstrated by examples tested in the real world on risk averse, sceptical, lazy, busy humans.The internet is suffocating in templates and frameworks designed by people not in the trenches.They’re all based on what might work.Not good enough.

And so, permit me to be brutally honest for a second

If you’ve never had a pro copywriter guide your landing page copy, you’re relying on luck to convert visitors into buyers.You’re relying on how well you can guess the formula. How well you can guess what an expert would have written.It’s always baffled me why people would guess such an important piece of the business puzzle. The conversion piece. To me that’s crazy because people are missing the big picture.And it’s this...

Without good landing page copy you’re wasting every cent and second spent somewhere else

Every ad.
Every exhibition.
Every conference.
Every social post.
It’s all wasted if you’re sending people to an unclear, unconvincing page that doesn’t use behavioural science and psychological triggers to make people act. Because, each of those interactions ends THE SAME WAY.With a human going to a landing page. And you’ve worked way too hard to let the landing page copy sabotage the sale.At best, you're leaving money on the table. At worst, you're slowly killing your business.It wouldn't be so galling if a competitor out worked you, or had a better product, or more investment. You could deal with that.But to fail simply because you couldn't articulate why people should part with their cash?That would sting.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

But imagine if your landing page copy worked for you, 24 hours a day.

Every single other thing you put time, money, and effort into would be maximised.The money you throw at ads would go further.The money you spend on conferences and exhibitions would go further.The hours you spend on social media would finally be worth it.The hours you spend prepping for and talking on podcasts would be worth it.Every conversation would have a better chance of becoming cash in your bank because when they ask “where can I get more information?” you can confidently give the link to your homepage, knowing it’s optimised to convert.

All your other activity immediately becomes an investment because you have a clear way to turn that attention into money.

If you don't have a conversion strategy at the end of the funnel, you're not investing, you're gambling.

A year from now you’ll have made more money than any year prior. All because you spent a few hundred dollars to get the expertise of a pro copywriter with 6+ years of experience.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

It may only take a couple of sales to cover the cost of my course.

Everything else, until you sell the business, or you die, is pure profit.If you think you can make a few hundred dollars in a time frame you consider reasonable, by applying my 6+ years of copywriting expertise, you don’t have a lot to lose.For example, can you hit one of these metrics?$17 a day for a month
$6 a day for 3 months
$3 a day for 6 months
$1.50 a day for a year
If you can, you’ll have already covered the cost of the course.

How many sales would you need to make to break even on 499 dollars?

20 sales?
10 sales?
5 sales?
1 sale?
Does less than one sale cover the cost?How long might that take?Let’s say it takes an entire year to make 499 dollars. How long beyond that do you think you’ll be in business?1 year?
5 years?
10 years?
20 years?
Copywriting advice based on psychological triggers and behavioural science doesn’t go off.But, the best thing, in my opinion, is this...

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

My framework and principles work everywhere.

Unless human behaviour changes, and it hasn’t for millions of years, my framework and principles will work for you for the rest of your life.Any project
Any startup
Any industry
Any economy
I've even used them for LinkedIn company bios to get 40%+ click through rates.

Client logos

As long as you’re selling to humans, my course will help you turn them from visitors to customers.I’ve used the principles and framework in my course to sell:01/ B2B SaaS
02/ Parenting apps
03/ Makeup masterclasses
04/ Complicated financial products
05/ Property investment opportunities
The same framework. The same principles.And I can unlock it all for you.

John Harrison Copywriter

John Harrison
Copywriter [6+ years]
Co-Founder []

LinkedIn followers

Hi! I'm John :)

Six years ago I was a noob copywriter, having just blagged my way into my first copywriting job.My task?To persuade people to hand over their life savings to us, a brand new startup with no trust, no track record, and only the promise of helping them buy their first family home.One of the many daunting tasks on my plate was the homepage.I’d never written a homepage before.So I went looking for people who’d done the job before so I could shorten my learning curve...

Some of the companies I've copywritten for

Client logos

I wanted a “do this, then do that” from someone who had “done that” before

Someone who could show me an example that had worked in the real world.But all I got was thin, theoretical parroting of the ubiquitous copywriting advice that infects the internet.So, I was left to cobble a landing page together using common sense and empathy.It took me months and months but through iteration, user research, and a fast feedback loop, I got the page to convert.My words were doing their job.People began to trust us with their entire life savings, and by the time I’d left a few years later, we’d raised half a billion from pension funds to buy hundreds and hundreds of homes with families stuck renting.Back then, I would have killed for the definitive landing page course from someone with more experience.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

Today I’m no longer an employed copywriter

I’m a Founder. In December 2023 I launched Penfriend with my two Co-Founders, Tim and Inge.A three person team launching a B2B SaaS company...So as Head of Copy, all the words were my duty.Once again, I was stretched thin.But using the framework I’d built over the years, the landing page copy came together in a matter of hours. It was just a question of following my formula.And when we launched on 01 December, we made $41,674 in the first 24 hours, a third of which came from people buying the yearly subscription to the most expensive plan.Strangers on the internet handing over $5,000+And we sent them all to that landing page.But my landing page course isn’t for everyone.

My course is only for you if

01/ You think copy is worth investing in
02/ You don’t know conversion techniques
03/ You’ll spend time and money sending people to this page
If those underlying factors resonate, then here’s who I designed my course for:01/ You aren’t a pro copywriter
02/ You don’t have a dedicated copywriter
03/ You don’t want to pay a freelancer
04/ You don’t know where to begin
05/ You don’t know about conversion techniques
06/ You don’t know how to use psychology
07/ You don’t know how to use behavioural science
08/ You don't have time to learn
09/ You want a framework that's proven
10/ You want a structured template
11/ You want to see real world examples
12/ You don't want to sound salesy
13/ You need to move fast

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

Who this course is not for

01/ DTC products (e.g. jewellery)
02/ Companies built on brand (e.g. fashion)
03/ Personal websites
04/ Homepages for multiple products
If your DTC product, brand, or personal website solves a problem, my course is still for you
(e.g. Hismile selling teeth whitening products.)
And if your company has one product or service you can use my landing page framework for your homepage, like I did for Penfriend.

The course should only take you a matter of hours to read

I’m a good copywriter so there’s no fluff. It’s just the raw, useful stuff.If you build your landing page section by section as I lay it out, you could have new, optimised copy within a day.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

Here’s what you’ll learn

I'll walk you through each landing page section step by step, in detail, using examples that have worked in the real world.I’ll show you the data backed framework I use, and how to write for each element of that framework.I’ll show you how to capture attention above the fold, but more importantly, how to keep it. I’ll show you how to turn bounces into scrolls.I’ll show you the 3 elements that make up an irresistible CTA.I’ll show you the 4 elements you need to make sure people understand and are compelled by your product.And every time I’ll show you an example that worked for me in the real world.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


30 day money back guarantee

Courtney Symons

You'll finally understand

01/ How to answer questions readers always ask
02/ Which order to answer them in
03/ How to resonate through pain points
04/ How to write valuable outcomes
05/ How to tie your features to those outcomes
06/ How to highlight your uniqueness
07/ How to make action inevitable
08/ How to prove authority
09/ How to make people trust you
10/ How to help people understand your product
11/ How to sell using emotion and logic
12/ How to structure the page layout
13/ What you should leave off a landing page
14/ Where to add CTAs and why
15/ Why CTAs are more than buttons
16/ How to cover difficult objections
17/ How to make people act today
18/ How to de-risk taking action
19/ How to stop people bouncing
20/ How to get people to scroll
My approach is based on a landing page framework that’s been tested in the battle for attention and rewarded with cash.If you're wasting time and money sending people to an unoptimised landing page, let my course fix that for you.

John Harrison

Write landing pages that convert without months of trial and error

No more guessing. My course breaks down the data-backed landing page framework that brought in $41,674 in 24 hours when I launched my own startup.


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Courtney Symons
John Harrison

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Hitting your inbox in a few minutes:01/ My $40k-in-a-day landing page cheat sheet
02/ My 10-day copy principles email course

John Harrison

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You've secured your 40% VIP discount 🥳Look out for emails from me about the course and if you have any questions, send me an email at john@copywriting.ioSpeak soon!

01/ My Copywriting Principles

Evergreen principles that help you write anything, for anyone

My seven principles never change, no matter what I write. They're evergreen.+ Ad sales copy
+ Blog articles
+ Investor pitch decks
+ LinkedIn bios
+ Cold emails
+ LinkedIn posts
+ Newsletters
They're unchanging because they're based on human nature, not fads or gimmicks.
